Today is my day and I'm so excited to share what I have made and gifted. Thank you to Carla of Creatin' in the Sticks for organizing this blog hop. The ladies blogging the last three days have had so many beautiful gifts to show that they have made.
This has been the year of babies in my family. I have a new granddaughter, grandson and great niece!! For my great niece (granddaughter and grandson were born earlier in the year and already have theirs), I made a Tummy Time quilt, using 5" squares - some cotton fabrics and some polyester that have fun textures, along with bits of different ribbons and a backing of Minky.
Something to keep her busy with her fingers while she learns to hold her head up. It is also the perfect size to put over her while she is in the car seat or stroller.
My older grandson (he's 2) loved the one I made for his little brother, so I made him one as well. Why not? These are easy to make in one day, with 5" squares of cotton fabric and polyester with textures (just surround the polyester with cotton because it stretches something fierce when it is put together), 2" pieces of ribbon, Elmer's purple school glue stick (to hold the ribbon in place for sewing) and Minky for the backing which is brought around to serve as the binding as well. Simple quilting with SID sews down the ribbons with a second seam holding them down against the tugging of little hands. No batting keeps them light and easy to carry/drag around.
Isn't that paw print velvet just adorable?? He loves dogs, so this is perfect for him!
My daughter cares for people who live in their own homes but need help 24/7, for various reasons. One of her clients also loved the Tummy Time quilt I made for the new grandson this summer, so I decided to make a quilt like it for her as well. Most of the fabric for this quilt was a bundle of fat quarters I won from Hawthorne Supply Company - thank you so much Hawthorne Supply Company!! #hawthornesupplycompany
It is large enough to take a nap under and backed in her favorite color of purple. I only put ribbons on the top few rows, so she can fiddle with them when she is watching TV.
I had some squares left over, so I decided to make her a purse to match her new quilt
I bought a panel of animal stuffed toys to make and made one each for the grandsons - quick and semi-easy!
I am not at all good at 3-D sewing and that giraffe was a real challenge. His horns refused to get poked out, but I don't think my grandson will mind!! I stuffed them to within an inch of their lives and hope they hold up for a few years!! Having a panel made these so much easier to make. I did purchase patterns for some adorable stuffed animals that require my own fabric and I'll make them out of some wool I won and wool I bought. They will take a bit longer to make, so maybe next year for them!
Nothing fancy - SID with my sewing machine. I really miss my longarm!! Caring for my 98 year old father is more important than me getting to use my longarm, but that doesn't stop me missing it (and my husband, home and horse)!
These lovely bloggers are sharing the "show off" day with me:
Thursday, November 14th
Please stop by and leave them a sweet comment on their fabulous work. They may even have a giveaway!!
A fantastic collection of projects! I'm sure all the recipients will be thrilled!
Those are great little quilts. Quick and easy to put together. You did a great job on them and your purse and animals too!
Lots of wonderful gifts there. I had missed that you have a new GD and GS this year.......such a blessing to have little ones in the family. And winning the pack of FQ's, what fun. =)
You have been so busy with your projects and they are just wonderful. I really love the baby quilt and it is a great idea not to have batting in especially for the little ones.
I love the stuffed toys and know exactly what you mean about stuffing them and then I usually can't get the opening closed as they are so full!!!! I am sure the Grandsons will love them.
Thanks for sharing and also alerting me to the Blog Hop so I could take part. I have gained a lot of new projects for my "To Do" file which I am hoping to have a go at after Christmas and New Year!!!!
Hugs, Susie xx
Those quilts are great. I love the idea of the ribbons for them to mess with. I'll file the idea in my mind for the next time I do a baby quilt.
Oh~~ What a sweet gift for your daughters client - I think that will just make her day - and the purse is so sweet too!! Well I like all your quilts - but the sentiments behind them make them even better!! Great job!!
Your dad is very blessed to have you for a daughter. Love your tummy time quilts. Aren’t you a sweetie for making one for your daughter's client, plus that cute bag. Giving so soothes the soul!
Great gifts! You have been busy!
You have been one busy gal. Your quilts are perfect gifts and I know everyone is going to love them. Making a purse to match one of them is such a fun idea too.
A purse and a quilt! Lucky Girl.
SEW sweet of you to make a special quilt for your daughter's client!!
Great projects, especially the matching purse!
All so adorable, every one of those heartfelt projects. I love using Minky on little quilts and would love one of my own too. Those little stuffies are super cute and do make fun gifts. Thank you for joining the blog hop and sharing all of your sewing gifts. Bless your loving heart while you care for your father.
Great gifts and every baby needs a tummy time quilt. Love the quilt you made for the client too with the matching bag. Your stuffed animals are very cute.
Great quick projects! I am sure they will be well loved and used. Thanks for sharing!
What wonderful, wonderful things you made. The bag just "out of your head" was a great bag! How lovely that you made one for your daughter's client, too. The stuffies are cute! Kudos to you for a great job of stitching and gifting.
Those are all lovely quilts and so sweet to make your daughters client one too, and a purse. I know from making stuffed things myself how sometimes the smaller pieces don't always pop out completely. Frustrating true, but still adorable anyway.
You have certainly been busy! Love all of your projects! It's easy to see how much time and love you have devoted to them. I know the recipients will love them!
I think Minky is the perfect backing to use on baby quilts and cuddly quilts. Yours is adorable. Cute bag and so useful, too.
Cute tummy time quilts, purse and stuffed animals!
Great projects! Those tummy time quilts are really great for the babies. And I must say, I am so glad to know someone who won Hawthorne's giveaway!! Try as I may I have not won anything yet. But I will not give up!! Thanks for sharing your projects!
You're a busy lady! Both of the quilts are precious. I love including minky in quilts for children! Purple is my favorite color too. The bag is a great idea, but I adore those stuff animals! So clever! :)
What a wonderful group of adorable gifts! All are so cute and will be great gifts.
What sweet gifts. How kind of you to make a quilt and purse for your daughters client,
All your projects are so cute--the little stuffed animals especially--even though they were a little tricky to make!
What sweet little quilts with adorable fabrics! Love the bag, too. I have those stuffed animals, but haven't sewn them yet. I'm sure mine will be poking out in the wrong places. LOL
The tummy time quilts are genius! I'm going to remember them. Thanks for sharing!
You've been busy creating! Thanks for sharing your projects.
great idea the bag that matches the toudhy feely quilt. Great stuff animals too.
Love all the quilts you made! And the matching purse - so cute! xx
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