I just wanted to share with you a new-to-me online quilt shop -
Hawthorne Threads. I was looking for a specific piece of fabric - Tula Pink's Sea Stripes in Aqua (I'm totally blaming my total impulse purchase on Molli Sparkles!!). I had never heard of Hawthorne Threads before my search, but their prices are fabulous - $7.50 per yard for Tula Pink *I know, amazing*!! And their shipping doesn't double the price of the fabric! Oh, oh...they do something they call Tiered Pricing, where the more you buy, the more you can save per yard!!! Hawthorne Threads is owned by a married couple, Charlie and Lindsay, who have been operating this fabric shop out of their home since 2008. If you are looking for fabric and don't want to pay $10 per yard or more, give Hawthorne Threads a look. I'm not affiliated (they are across the country from me) and I am not being compensated in any way for this blog post - I can't even figure out how to put a button on my blog, so being sponsored by anyone...I don't think it's in the card for me!!