Friday, January 1, 2016

ALYOF - Round Up of 2015

Wow, I have been posting like won't last, I assure you!

I am linking up with Melissa at Sew BitterSweet and Shanna Fiber of All Sorts for the link-up finale for ALYOF.

In April (my first month joining in), I finished my Row by Row quilt!! (bottom left)
In May I finished piecing my Texas Teardrop quilt. (bottom right)
In June I finished and delivered my daughter's wedding autograph quilt before she moved to Hawaii. (right center)
In July I made the blocks for my step-son's wedding autograph quilt. (top center)
In August I totally took apart my "Garage Sale Treasure" Irish Chain quilt top. (bottom center)
In September I got "Garage Sale Treasure" Irish Chain quilted, bound and labeled. (bottom center)
In October I finished my strip challenge quilt (I love this one)!! (left center)
In November I finished Fairy Garden for my granddaughter. (top left)
In December I made and gave 25 pot holders. (top right)

For NINE months I met my goal - YIPPEE!!!


  1. I did it all year and only made 8! I love the way your collage looks - like rows of clotheslines.

  2. You had a great year! I've enjoyed looking through your quilts, especially your garage sale Irish chain. Did you take out every stitch and start over?

  3. Wow, some beautiful quilting going on! Love that Teardrop, and now I must click on the Irish Chain to see what the heck Marti is talking about haha!


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