Thursday, April 1, 2021

I Think It Is Time

 I haven't sewn anything for the last year.  I think it is time to set up my machine again and get to work!!

I'm going to try to do the QAL with Sandra of  Musings of a Menopausal Melon - want to join me??


  1. I’m so glad to see a post on your blog. I’m doing Sandra’s QAL, too!

  2. Not this time, too much else going on, but be sure to post a lot so I can see how it progresses!

  3. That looks like a fun quilt to start sewing again.

  4. You are such an enabler, but I am SEW glad to hear that you are back at the sewing machine!!

  5. That will be a fun project to play with this spring. Have fun!

  6. So glad you have got your quilting mojo back. Quilt Alongs are such a great idea as they make you get on with things. I would love to join you but have a few quilting things I need to get done and sorted, one of which I need by the middle of May so I will need to get a move on!!! The weeks are flying by and I set out with determination of getting things done and then something happens and it gets side lined again!!! Can't wait to see what you make. Hugs & Love, Susie xx

  7. Sounds like a wonderful idea. I also love Sandra's quilt alongs. 'Will go look at this one.


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