Thursday, March 19, 2020

Change and Finding Your Way Back to You

Many of you know I have been spending the last 4 years caring for my father, states away from my husband and home.  Yesterday my dad was reunited in heaven with my mother and brother.  I now have so much I need to do, but I can't get in touch with the attorney or CPA I was depending on to help me through this.  It is overwhelming and I am so exhausted.  I don't know where to start, really.  I dealt with the mortuary and wrote the obituary for the paper today.  This is a time when being an only child is difficult, especially with my husband and children scattered between Washington and Georgia.

Life has changed and now I need to figure out how to find my way back to being me.

This picture was taken on his 94th birthday when we went out to dinner with friends.  He would have been 99 in June.  I love you, daddy, and I miss you so much.  


  1. Sometimes "one day at a time" is just too big... maybe "one piece of one task at a time" is more do-able. Blessings to you, my friend.

  2. I am deeply sorry for your loss. I know his being gone will leave a huge hole in your life. May you feel the Lord's comfort and peace at this time.

  3. I completely understand what you are going through. I took care of my father for two years before he passed. I have two sisters who did help somewhat, and I am grateful for what they did do. I am now for away from the place I grew up and loving it where I am.
    Hang in there sweet heart. It will all come together before you know it. The struggle is real, but nothing is put before us that we can't handle.

  4. my heart aches for you, but knowing that he is with your Mom has to be reassuring. Hugs and prayers for you and your family. May God's grace show you peace and bring you back to the rest of your family.

  5. Oh Susan, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. {{{Hugs}}} a bunch for you. I do understand so well the stress you are feeling and even a bit of relief. While I wasn't physically an only child, my two siblings lived in another state when it was time to move my mom. I wish I was there to help you through this, and I am certain your DH is wishing the same. Please be kind to yourself and don't try to take on too much. If there is any possible way I can help - please let me know. ~smile~ Roseanne

  6. P.S. I forgot to say what a fabulous picture that is of the two of you! What nice memories you must have over his 98 years. {{Hugs}} again. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Oh, Susan! I am so so sorry that day has come. I almost feel like I know your dad, after all the times we've talked of him. I know you have so many things you have to do, but maybe the first thing is to sleep as long as your body wants to sleep. Everything else will wait. No, it will. When you are rested, you can face things with renewed energy and hope.

  8. Even when we know the time is approaching, it is so difficult when it actually comes. I’m so sorry for you, especially to have to go through all of this at this time. I hope you can get in touch with the people you need to guide your path. Getting back home will be challenging. Be easy on yourself.

  9. I am so sorry for your loss. I'll be praying for you as you navigate this new path in life and find your way back to yourself. Blessings,

  10. Such a beautiful photo of you two. You will never regret the sacrifice you made by caring for your father in his final years. I know because I did the same. My dad passed away a year ago at age 93, and the last 3 years were rough. But I'm glad for those occasional glimpses I had of his old self as I knew him growing up. Best wishes to getting everything straightened up and sorted out. Quilting is a comfort in this time.

  11. I'm so sorry for your loss, Susan!! Hoping you have been in contact with those who can help you with the business end of the process. Hang in there! Thinking of you, as you deal with all the necessary items (and with figuring out how to find YOU at the end of this road.)

  12. I know from experience we think we are prepared for a parent's death but when it happens it is still a shock. My sincere sympathy especially during this covid 19 craziness. Hope you get get a hold of the the attorney and CPA so you can soon get back to your family. Love the picture of the 2 of you!

  13. Oh so so sorry!! I am so proud of you for being the one to be with him, and the time you spent with him. Hugs to you my friend - and hope things get easier

  14. You, my friend, are all about what is "right" in this world. What a privilege to spend time with your dad and send him off to his heavenly home. I am sure your well is currently empty, but your memories will refill it with time. May God wrap His arms around you and help you to get through this trying time. Love to you.

  15. Hi I saw a blog of yours from 2014. You were making the hearth and home quilt, block of the month by Pam Buda, i’ve been searching high and low for that pattern. Do you have one that I can buy or know of one somewhere that I can buy? It would be greatly appreciated.
    Thank you, Linda last


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