Thursday, January 2, 2020

Mystery QAL - Clue 6

Well, this clue took some time!!  All five blocks got some borders and I still don't know what it is going to be!!  Kim of Persimmon Dreams has kept this a great secret!!  Clue 6 can be found here.

The solids I used as my "background" are reading as black or navy blue in the artificial light but it is a dark teal.  When this is finished, I'll take a picture in the sunshine and the colors will be much truer!!  I'm also loving the orange in these blocks...all from the same piece of fabric, because ombre!!

I also won the bobbin race!!
Yay!!!  I usually run out with 6" left to sew or quilt!!  I'll take it!


  1. That's pretty funny, considering there was about 9" left on my binding when I ran out today. LOL


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