Thursday, January 9, 2020

11.1 Notably Numeric Challenge Done

This week I have participated in the challenge presented by Kim of Persimmon Dreams and Trish, the designer.  I have a total finish!!  It has even been bound, per the rules!!

One way:
I started with the top and fusible fleece for batting.  I did the quilting on the purple with just the two layers.  I then added the the backing fabric and did the quilting on the orange and the blanket stitch on my sewing machine all around the letters and arrow.
I added a piece of white fabric to the border and binding to show how narrow the way is...the old "Stairway to Heaven vs. the Highway to Hell".

This snack mat is a gift and this is how I hope it will be used:
Thank you so much, Kim and Trish!!  I had fun with this one!!


  1. Awesome finish!! Way to meet the Challenge. Congratulations!

  2. I like the thought you put into the finishing & adding the little narrow white strip to represent the one way.

  3. Love the quilting and the back. What a great Mug Rug. Do I spy Shortbread?!!!!!! Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Susie xx

  4. Yay for a finish! I love that PQ motivates all of us to start the year off with a series of finishes. I found that the momentum carried me clear through July last year! Hope you win a prize!

  5. Nice graphic piece. I like your bold colors.

  6. A wonderfully colorful snack rug and good job finishing an early 2020 project.

  7. great piece! I'm impressed by that small bit of white - and you transitioned it to the binding perfectly!


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