Monday, December 30, 2019

Mystery QAL - Block 3

Flying geese were the order of the day!!  So excited that I have no headless geese!!!  This is the third block of the Mystery Quilt a Long hosted by Kim of Persimmon Quilts.  Just one block a day for 7 days...if you would like to join us, you could easily catch up.  Block 1 can be found here and Block 2 can be found here.
The gander is at the top and mama goose is making sure the goslings stay in line!  Those stripes bit me again, but I rather like the idea of mom and dad keeping the kids in a proper line.  Works, right?

These are my "oops" block portions - I obviously don't work with stripes that need to go in a specific direction and the little HSTs are from the geese...pressed and squared up, ready for me to make them into something!!  I love saving and working with orphan blocks...they make a quilt come together so fast!

Thank you, Kim, for this fun Mystery QAL that is getting me to my sewing machine every day!!


  1. This does look easy and fun. My sewing machine has been covered since the day before Christmas. This looks like it may be just the thing to get it going again ... something I can just use scraps to sew. I will see what I can sew tomorrow. Thanks for inspiring ... :) Pat

  2. It looks like you are having fun with it. I don't ever think about what direction stripes go. They go where they go, and we're done. =)


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