Friday, November 15, 2019

Great Blog Hop and the Avalanche

The Stitch It & Gift It blog hop is over and it was so much fun to see what everyone as made to gift away.  I know I had several "I want to make that" moments this past week!!

The avalanche...not snow, but comments!  For the last year and a half, comments were going who knows where, but I wasn't being notified by email nor was I able to see them when I checked my blog administrative page.  After a friend notified me by email that she had commented, but it never showed up (thank you, Susie), another friend (thank you, Susan) found over 80 missing comments, going back to summer of 2018!!  Well, I'm going through each one, reading them and responding...but it is going to take me a few days!!  I am so very sorry for not responding to your comments when they were made...I really don't like it when I comment on a blog post and get ignored (unless there is a giveaway - those can get crazy).  I appreciate everyone who takes the time to read my blog and post a comment...I try to show that by replying to every comment.

It is almost Thanksgiving...


  1. I do have a very grateful heart this season. The hop was huge fun, and I, too, found things I'd like to make for my friends.

  2. Ugh, I'm going through the same thing on my blog. I see your comment on my blog but can't find it in any email! But I am grateful for online friends who inspire!

  3. Loved the Hop and like you now have an even longer list of "To Do"!!! Just love getting new ideas though from other Quilters who are always so generous!!!

    So sorry you have had a problem with your comments section and just know that somewhere there was a computer glitch!!!! They are great when they work but when they don't oh boy!!!! At least if the weather is not good you can have a few hours of fun.

    Have a great week.

    Hugs, Susie xx


I love to hear from you, so thank you for leaving a comment. I'll comment back to you if there is an email attached to your account or in your comment.