Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Autumn Jubilee 2019

Carole at From My Carolina Home is holding Autumn Jubilee 2019 on her blog starting today!!  So many sponsors are donating items that she is willing to give us a chance at winning!!  No little prizes here...we're talking about prizes valued up to $100!!!

Look for 

Since I still can't figure out how to do the button thing, there is a hotlink to her blog post in the highlighted name of her blog in the first line of this blog!  If you want a chance to win some awesome prizes, please go to Carole's blog and get your name in the hat, er, rafflecopter!!!

EDIT:  My friend Susan, who blogs at, put the hotlink button on the sidebar of my blog for me!!  Thank you, Susan!!!


  1. Hi thanks for alerting us to this wonderful Giveaway. Have hopped over to see Carole and will blog about it later. I love Autumn and the projects are great, another thing to add to my To Do list! Hugs, Susie xx

  2. Oh! I follow Carole as well! I understand how complicated loading items onto our blog can be! I'm so glad you have support! Thank you for sharing!


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