Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Help Another Quilter Out if You Can

Those of you in the United States undoubtedly have heard of the devastating fires in California that have wiped out the entire town of Paradise.

Several years ago the farm I live on was threatened by fire - God bless the volunteer firemen who stopped the fire one mile from the house.  I can't tell you how terrified I was...hubby was at work, I had 3 horses and no trailer to take them away!  A friend from town came out to see if I needed help and the sheriff's deputy came by to make sure I knew of the danger.  I was going to turn the horses loose in the hay field (it was green and moist) and hope they didn't stray from the abundance of food since there aren't complete fences around the field.  Extra vehicles were going to join the horses.  In the back of my truck I had already packed up photo albums, all my quilts and tops, then stood watching the smoke from the fire.  I had warning.  Paradise didn't have much at all as the Camp Fire raged through the community.  The death toll keeps mounting.  Those who survived generally did so with the clothes on their backs.

One family that survived has really touched my heart.  No, I don't know them personally, but I know that they are in need and perhaps fellow quilters can help be a blessing to them.  Melanie has posted about their story, with links to their social network profiles.
Image may contain: 4 people, people smiling, people sitting

Rachelle is a new quilter - remember your passion at the beginning of your quilting journey??  Please read their story (I went to Facebook), pray for them and if you can help bless them, please do.

Have a blessed Thanksgiving.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man - that is just so devastating - thanks for sharing Rachelles story


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