Sunday, October 28, 2018

HQAL, Liberty Belle and My Other Life

Wow, I haven't posted since July!!  I guess you can really tell I don't like hand work.  I did actually work on my curvy geese a little while I waited for my car to get an oil change...a whole three more added to the total, and I am still working on the green geese!  I have so many more to go that  it is overwhelming!!
I finally got pictures of my Liberty Belle quilt from my phone to my computer.  As much as I hated to let someone else quilt a quilt of mine, I just cannot quilt on my sewing machine!!  I miss my longarm so much!!
Here is a close-up of the quilting and binding - I did a faux piping binding and used a variety of the reds (I think) and blues in the quilt for the binding.  I did put this all together back in April and I haven't seen it in person since!!
While I have been taking care of my dad 750 miles from my home, I have returned to umpiring adult slow-pitch softball and kickball.  I used to do this "back in the day" to pay for my Bachelor's and Master's degrees (with no debt!!).  Now it is my sanity and social interaction.  This is a shot I took of a pitcher in kickball - it is so much fun (note his tutu and angel wings)!  I would not do this during a softball game as those balls really aren't soft!!
Earlier this summer, before a softball game, I found this baby on the ground under a tree.  This fledgling was learning how to fly and had no clue how to take flight from the ground.  He willingly climbed on my finger and I was able to return him to a branch.  I checked later and he was gone so I hope he found his way home.
I will not be doing any hand work until next year as I am having my shoulder operated on on November 1.  Not sure I'll be able to even do much typing, so if I don't make it back here, have a wonderful Thanksgiving and a blessed Christmas.

This Hand Quilt Along is an opportunity for hand quilters and piecers to share and motivate one another. We post every three weeks, to show our progress and encourage one another.  If you have a hand quilting project and would like to join our group contact Kathy at the link below.

Sassy --> That's me!


  1. Three geese are so much better than none! The other quilt is pretty ,nice machine quilting.

  2. Good luck on your shoulder surgery and happy holidays

  3. Good luck with your shoulder surgery - I hope things go smoothly and recovery is quick!

  4. Slow and steady wins the race but I know what you mean sometimes with big jobs they can take over and get on top of you. If you can pick it up and do a bit and then put it down all the better.

    I just love the Liberty Belle quilt, I am a sucker for red, white & blue (our two flags are the same colours of course) so I am always drawn to them. I know you would have loved to quilt it yourself but I think it looks good. I am sure it will be a treasured piece for many years.

    What a great picture of the baby bird and I do hope he was okay. I have to be really careful when the baby birds are around as Treacle will pick them up if she finds them as she thinks they are squeaky toys!!!!

    I hope you are getting better each day after your surgery. Take it slow.

    Hugs Susie xx

  5. I somehow missed your post last time, I've been wondering how you've been doing! Sorry to hear about your shoulder, will you still be with your dad, or be going home? Happy Thanksgiving to you! You have three less geese to do!!!!!

  6. Hi Sassy- I missed your post on the HQAL last month and catching up this month I see you have had surgery. First and foremost I hope all went well and I look forward to when you can join in again. A delicious and thankful Thanksgiving and Christmas holiday to you. I really enjoyed your post. Great projects the quilt is lovely. I have been doing a pattern with 'geese' for the first time stuff! ~ Sharon


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