Monday, September 26, 2016


First, I don't have a Craftsy sale site, I'm just a member - ya know it's free to be a member, right?  Well, I'm doing some poking around there this afternoon and I must say, I am totally blown away!!  I've been a member of Craftsy for some years now, but honestly, today is the first time I have gone browsing through the quilt patterns (whole quilts to blocks, quilting patterns to hints/tips). 

Were you aware that as of this minute there are 17,933 quilt patterns on there!!  More than any quilt store, right??  I'm browsing through these patterns and decided to list them in order price, least expensive first.  I'm on page 30 of 748 pages and I'm still in the FREE!!! section of Craftsy!!!!  I have been adding patterns like a crazy woman...they are FREE so really, I'd be crazy NOT to "buy" them! 

AND...Craftsy will hold them in my files online so I don't have to load-down (and potentially lose the patterns) them to my desktop!  Can't ask for better than that, right? 

Oh, well, you could always check out their knitting, crocheting, jewelry, sewing, embroidery or paper crafts while you are there!!  That's just under the heading of "Patterns".  I also love the classes there by AMAZING teachers!!  Yep, I've bought some (for real money), but I'm thinking I need to check out the free classes as well!!!

Check out Craftsy - so much more then I ever expected!!  Nope, this isn't a sponsored post, I'm just excited to share an awesome place with more free things than I will ever have time to make (but I'm going to try!!!

Happy quilting from western Nevada!!


  1. Craftsy is an amazing source of information and inspiration and, often times, great deals on fabric!

  2. I've downloaded a lot of their patterns, from easy crib quilts to foundation paperpiecing. Why do we buy patterns? We'll never get all the free ones made. Blessings, Gretchen

  3. I love Craftsy too! I have downloaded so many patterns over the years and still have a fairly large "wish list" there too!! Glad you are enjoying poking around there!!!

  4. I agree it is the best site around. I have so many patterns from them and have taken a few classes. If you are like me and keep forgetting things the class is always there to go back to.

  5. I, too, am a member of Craftsy and have used quite a few of the free quilt blocks. Then only thing is I spend so much time looking at the patterns and all the other goodies on the site and then don't spend any time actually sewing!!!! It is the same with Pinterest I can while away several hours looking at other people's pins and their pages and don't get my started on You Tube! You start off by looking at one thing and then you see something else and that leads to another video!!! I love You Tube for quilt tutorials though. I am a visual learner and find it sew much easier when someone is showing you how to do it. Have a great weekend. Hugs, Susie x


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