Thursday, September 3, 2015

A Lovely Year of Finishes - September 2015 Goal

I am joining with Sew BitterSweet Designs again this month and declaring my goal of getting this lovely Irish chain quilted and bound!!
So, do I quilt it with white thread or be bold and use pink thread in the white areas???


  1. Go for the pink thread! Good luck with your finish!

  2. Such a lovely quilt! Wow, the color of thread is tough. I guess it depends on how you are going to quilt it. I'm a chicken so I would probably use white.

  3. It depends on how much you like pink. I'd use white, but I'm not crazy about pink. =)

  4. I love your Irish chain. It would look great in either color thread. I say go for the pink and let your quilting shine.

  5. Great job so far - I'd use pink and show off your quilting skills.

  6. I love that quilt, I would go for white as then it will leave the pattern to stand out, but then a pale pink could work equally well!!!! Don't envy you the decision!! Can't wait to see it finished. Hugs, Susie x


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