Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Some Close-Up Pictures of Quilting

I finally found the pictures of my daughter's wedding autograph quilt!  So excited, since the actual quilt is in Hawaii (yeah, she has tough duty for the Army over there for the next three years!).
The whole pattern, just mom winging it!

Had fun doing "ghost" quilting of the black block into the solid black.
The white is where the autographs are from all of her wedding guests...invisible at a distance!
Close up of the "ghost" quilting.
Fun with feathers!!
The back of the pink block...can you see the pink thread?
Love the texture of the back of this quilt!!!  What do you think?

Now for a sneak peek of what is on my frame right now...
Does this look familiar to anyone?

I am linking up with Freemotion by the River.


  1. OMG! OMG! OMG! OMG! Susan! I CAN'T WAIT!!!!!! You are killing me with suspense here.....there is already so much texture!!!!!!! Your daughter's quilt is a true testament to your talents! Beautiful!

  2. WOW!!!! That is fantastic Quilting on your daughters quilt!!!! I love the back too!!!

  3. Love your quilting choices on your daughter's quilt. Love that you used pink thread on the back, too! It's an amazing quilt. The new one is intriguing and I know the whole thing will be gorgeous, as well.

  4. What a beautiful quilt! The quilting is amazing and I'm sure your daughter loves it!

  5. Such wonderful quilting - love the ghost quilting on the black ....

  6. Thank you for sharing at the Thursday Favorite Things blog hop

  7. I love your daughter's quilt and the idea of an autograph quilt. Thanks for rejuvenating this post with us this week at Tuesday Archives.


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