Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thank you

Today we remember the sacrifices made by those who serve our country and tell them what we should be expressing every day, THANK YOU!  In my family, I am thanking:

Uncle Floyd, USAF (Col), WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War
Cousin Rob, USAF (Capt), Vietnam War
Cousin Ray, USN (Capt), Vietnam War, Desert Shield
Ex-husband Oliver, USMC (SgtMaj), Desert Shield
Daughter Brenna, USAF (TSgt), Desert Shield, Desert Storm
Daughter Tristan, US Army (SSG), Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom - still active duty

Thank you all for being willing to sign a check to our country that was for up-to-and-including your life to protect the freedoms and wonderful way of life we enjoy here in America.  I thank God for your willingness to protect and defend and I also thank God for His protection over all of you when you were in harms way.

**Update:  My beloved Uncle Floyd finished his final pre-flight check list and took off on his final flight December 1, 2014 at 4:55 PM.  At 97, he lived a long, full life free from most illnesses.  He departed with his beloved wife, son and his wife, and his grandchildren at his side.  As he did with everything in his life, he left us with grace and dignity.  He will be missed by all who loved him so much.**


  1. Thank you and your family for their service.

  2. Huge thanks to your family members for their service and sacrifice. God Bless!

  3. Many thanks to your family for their service!! It is such an important day!


  4. Your family has such a long history of service and now your daughters too. They are all special people. Our family's service was in the two World Wars and then my Dad was in the Air Force after the second World War. I hope you saw pictures of the poppies at The Tower of London, a great tribute to all those who died in the first World War. Thanks for sharing. Hugs, Susie & Treacle xxd

  5. Please send my heartfelt thanks to your family members if you are able to. I am so appreciative of our Veterans!

  6. What a beautiful, long life your Uncle lived! I, too, am so thankful for our men and women in uniform. Thanks for the reminder that we should be thankful every day, not just on special holidays. And thanks to your family for protecting our freedom.

  7. What a beautiful tribute to your family of veterans and all those who serve. You should be very proud of their lives and service to their country.


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