Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Thank you

Today we remember the sacrifices made by those who serve our country and tell them what we should be expressing every day, THANK YOU!  In my family, I am thanking:

Uncle Floyd, USAF (Col), WWII, Korean War, Vietnam War
Cousin Rob, USAF (Capt), Vietnam War
Cousin Ray, USN (Capt), Vietnam War, Desert Shield
Ex-husband Oliver, USMC (SgtMaj), Desert Shield
Daughter Brenna, USAF (TSgt), Desert Shield, Desert Storm
Daughter Tristan, US Army (SSG), Desert Storm, Enduring Freedom - still active duty

Thank you all for being willing to sign a check to our country that was for up-to-and-including your life to protect the freedoms and wonderful way of life we enjoy here in America.  I thank God for your willingness to protect and defend and I also thank God for His protection over all of you when you were in harms way.

**Update:  My beloved Uncle Floyd finished his final pre-flight check list and took off on his final flight December 1, 2014 at 4:55 PM.  At 97, he lived a long, full life free from most illnesses.  He departed with his beloved wife, son and his wife, and his grandchildren at his side.  As he did with everything in his life, he left us with grace and dignity.  He will be missed by all who loved him so much.**

Friday, November 7, 2014

Quilt Retreat and Microwave Bowls

I got home Wednesday night from the most fabulous retreat with my local guild.  Nineteen ladies spent Sunday through Wednesday morning stitching up a storm at the Palouse Divide Lodge.  The lodge is gorgeous
and this was what we woke up to
Sunday was gorgeous, but Tuesday and Wednesday the clouds must have been tired because they were down on the ground, giving the area a good soaking!!  Wednesday we had to leave by noon and the view changed to this

 It was perfect that the two days we were unloading and loading our cars were nice and dry and the days we could just stay in and sew were quite damp!  I got a bunch of sewing done - I don't get to sew much when I'm at home - I'm too busy dancing with my longarm!!!  I got the bindings on 4 quilts, made some microwave bowl holders, came up with a way to make some microwave plate holders and made two more quilt tops.
This is the Abacus quilt I made (forgot to get a picture of the other quilt I whipped out on Wednesday morning!)
I used some of my precious stash of ombre fabrics for the two new quilt tops...I'm on a bubble kick!  And then there were the microwave finger savers:
To make the plate holders, I cut 2 14" pieces of fabric, 2 13.5" pieces of microwave-safe batting, sewed the batting to the fabric, took tucks on all 4 sides 1/2" from the center line and 2" deep.  They certainly work great!  My plates are 10" and 11" in diameter and both sizes fit perfectly!   If there is any interest, I'll work up a tutorial (it would be my first!!) and put it up here.  And I'll put up a picture of my other quilt as soon as I finish unpacking!!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

A Lovely Year of Finishes - November

Where did October go??  I blinked and it's November!  I am linking up with Sew Bitter Sweet Designs - doing this really makes me get at least one of my quilts finished every month...well, at least I try!  For November, I want to quilt, bind and label the quilt I made out of the blocks I had folks sign at my daughter's wedding in August.  I made too many of the blocks when I was making her wedding quilt, so I ironed freezer paper to the back of the blocks, taped a matting frame around them (to keep my 1/4" for sewing) and voile, I had her autograph album all ready!
This is my goal - can I do it??