Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Theft of Posts

                If you are not reading this post 
on http://farmquilter.blogspot.com/ it is pirated content!
       No other website is authorized to use my work.
Please click the link directly above to go to my real site 
    and please help spread the word about this site’s 
           unethical use of other people’s work.

 Megan, who blogs at The Bitchy Stitcher has found, along with many other quilting bloggers, that there is a site that is taking quilting blogs, pictures and all, and posting them on their site, with no link back to the original creator of the blog post.  This site also has a tab for free patterns...patterns written by other quilt designers who sell their work...this is theft!  Check out Megan's blog post about this and go to the site yourself to see if your blogs posts, pictures or patterns have been pirated!!

UPDATE!    Due to numerous complaints, the offending website has been shut down!  Score a big one for quilters united!!!


  1. The quilter have UNITED and Won!!! This is great news!

  2. Hi... i was told my blog was pirated and when i looked into the alleged site...it no longer existed. Perfect!!! Thanks to everyone who initiated action and shut this site down. sham on quiltpatternspro.com... and those behind the blog! argh!


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