Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Getting Perfect Tension on your longarm

Jamie Wallen did a 10 minute video on how to get perfect tension on a longarm that I think is fabulous!  I just wanted to share it with all of you AND have a safe place to keep this link so I don't lose it!!!
If this helps you, please let me know!!


  1. Hi there, I am commenting on a comment you left on Ellison Lanes blog about Downton Abbey. If you google PBS Masterpiece, you can view the program online. But hurry, once the programs are aired, they will take it off, and you then would have to purchase the DVD's. I missed last weeks airing, but watched it midweek on PBS online.

  2. This was the best information on tension! I have all of the gadgets, but his simple lay it in the hand technique is perfect! I could never do the "drop- test" without having it fall out of the case...onto the floor. Thanks for sharing.


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