Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Quilts from the Birmingham International Quilt Show

Some more lovelies to feast your eyes on!

This little pink beauty was 12" square!!!  Simply amazing! 

As a longarm quilter, I am always interested in the quilting, so I did take quite a few pictures of the quilting :)

Here is a picture of my quilting Vitamin F (friends) that I went to England with, along with our hosts for our 10 days in Tealby...Roseanne, Anne, Jeanette, Carol, Bess and Mary, with Beau in front checking out the quilts we made for Anne and Bess as our little "thank you"!  We had a marvelous 2+ weeks in England, and our time in Lincolnshire was the highlight...we didn't want leave for London, let alone head for home!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

More quilts from Birmingham, England

Wow, only Thursday and I'm back with more pictures from the quilt show in Birmingham. 

I forgot to take pictures of the "paperwork" for these quilts, so I can't give credit to the quilters...I am so sorry!  But just look at the creativity that went into these quilts...and the quilting!!!  As a longarm quilter, I'm always checking out the quilting of every quilt I see, and these were fabulous!!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Birmingham, England International Quilt Show

I got to go to England with 4 of my SewWhat quilting buddies in August.  We stayed with two lovely ladies (yep, they quilt too) in Lincolnshire...in wee little town that was beautiful, with such sweet people!  They took us on a coach with several other quilting groups to spend the day at the quilt show.  Everyone was so very nice to us!  Because it was a bit of a drive to Birmingham, we had a "comfort stop" of 10 minutes.  Let me tell you, all 50 of the ladies on the bus were in and out of the restroom and back on that coach in 10 minutes!!  Amazing how fast you can move when you are motivated!!  I have never seen such order in all my born days :)

The quilt show definitely set the bar high for any other quilt shows I go to.  There were around 2,000 quilts and probably 200 vendors.  No, I did not see all the quilts, nor did I get to all the vendors!  But I do have some gorgeous pictures to share with you.  I killed the battery on my camera part way through the show and had to use my iphone to take pictures for the rest of our trip!

Isn't this a cool quilt?  Looking from the front it is very confusing, but it has different pictures depicted on the accordion folds - I have never seen anything like this and it was awesome!!  As you can see, I tried to take a picture of the name of the quilt and the quilter, just to try to keep them straight.

I will be back with more pictures soon.  Driving home from my daughter's house tomorrow and I have a customer's quilt on the frame waiting for me.