Monday, September 23, 2013

Quilts for Colorado and the Washington Naval Base

Marilyn, a fellow quilter, who blogs over at
posted the following:

Quilts for Colorado and the Washington Naval Base 

The Samuel Quilt Project is collecting quilts for both the Colorado flood victims and the Washington Naval base families.  If you want more information, they have a Facebook page.  Check them out if you are looking for a group that helps in times of disaster.  I'm hoping to send a few quilts after I take my daughter to college this weekend.  I'm hoping I can get organized and get my quilting back on track.

Bonnie Hunter, a fellow quilter, who blogs at quiltville posted about another group gathering quilts for those displaced by the flooding in Colorado.

If you have an extra quilt you could spare, the warm hug you provide would mean so much to someone.

Happily dry here in Washington!!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Two Recipes

One Good Thing by Jillee is a fabulous blog for recipes for all kinds of things.  Today I am passing on links to her Navy Bean Soup - haven't made this one yet, but I have never had a recipe from Jillee be anything less than wonderful - and her absolutely divine (and so easy) English Muffin Bread.  You can find the soup at and the bread at
I made the English Muffin Bread last Friday and gave away 2 of the loaves because I am at my daughter's home and her freezer space is very limited.  Everyone wanted the recipe!!  It is fabulous to find a great tasting recipe that only has 5 ingredients and is so easy to make!  I have eaten one whole loaf by myself in one week, only by limiting myself to 2 slices a day for breakfast toast!!!  I will be making this recipe over and over again...think Christmas giving too!!
Here is a picture of the 4 loaves I made...mind the drool!!!